Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This week was pretty much the same as last week! Only this time Jaydon and Alex got one soccer practice in before the snow came again. Last Thursday Chad took Keiera skiing again--she LOVES it! Too bad she didn't decide to try it sooner in the season as that will probably be her last time. Beaver Mountain closed last Saturday and then with all the new snow decided to open this coming Friday/Saturday. Jaydon was also able to go skiing (and miss school!) with his dad last Friday. The kids all love to ski!!!

Well, as much as we need the moisture, I'm hoping that next week is warm and sunny for Spring Break! I enjoyed the few days of not having to turn the furnace on and opening our windows for some fresh air. Spring is my favorite season and I'm ready for a little warmth--I hate the summer heat though!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

I have been avoiding posting anything becaue there really hasn't been anything to tell. The kids are all unhappy about the snow! They enjoyed playing outside and Alex and Keiera even got one soccer practice in. I'm trying to be positive as we need the moisture, but I'm ready for warmer weather. I LOVE spring!!!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

There really isn't anything to tell about our family. We have all had colds--some of us AGAIN! This one of the worst head colds I think I've had. Luckily the kids didn't seem to get that part so bad. They mostly complained of their head and throat hurting. I think we're all through it now! Maybe there will be something exciting to tell about next week.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I guess another week has passed. Our major event for last week was that ALL of us went skiing for Chad's Work Ski Night. Chad has been trying to get Keiera to go all winter, but she has gotten so upset. (Chad has a season pass and so does Keiera--if you're 5 and under you get one free with a paying adult.) I wasn't sure how long she'd last up there, but she did fantastic! It was beautiful up there as well. One scary thing that happend was while Alex and I went up the lift. Just as we were about to the top, Alex told me her ski was stuck. I couldn't figure out how, but when I got off, she couldn't. A hook from the lift had hooked the back of her ski! They had to stop the lift and come and unhook it! She was nervous the next time up--I would've been too. Other than Jadon being crazy and wishing he were better, we had a great time.

The other excitement for us was ALL of the snow yesterday! Around 4:30 went Chad went and measured the middle of our backyard, there was 20.5". Other than Chad being out all day and night shoveling, it was amazing. I was looking forward to Spring, but I'm sure this will melt soon. We had a great time watching our dog, Mac play in it. It completely covered him!

Well, that's our week!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Our trip to Disneyland was a lot of fun. We left on Friday, February 13th and returned home late Sunday, February 22nd. We saw lots of our cousins throughout the trip as they were all so great to let us stay a night or two with them. We spent the first night in Las Vegas with some of our cousins and then headed to San Diego the next day where we stayed with more of our cousins until Monday. We had planned to go to Sea World on Monday, but it was a down pour all day. (Some of our luggage got wet even with a tarp wrapped around it all!) Luckily we hadn't boughten our tickets because we had checked the weather ahead of time.

Tuesday, Feb 17th we headed to Disneyland in another down pour. This was Jaydon's birthday and the reason we planned to go this week so we headed there. We had bought rain poncho's before leaving on our trip--good advice from friends! By the time we finished getting everything worked out with Jaydon's birthday (the computers weren't working), the rain had stopped. We didn't have to get our ponchos out again. It did sprinkle, but it wasn't cold. (For us anyway, the workers all had big coats on all day!) The rain kept people away and we had a great time.

Wednesday, Feb 18th we headed to the beach. We only stayed for about 1 hour because it was quite windy and Jaydon got taken down by a wave and was freezing. (Keiera also got quite wet and was freezing.) The waves were amazing! I love the ocean.

Thursday, Feb 19th we headed back to Disneyland early--that was great! We were able to go from ride to ride at first. We then headed to California Advenuture and spent the day with our cousins. (They had planned to go the same week!) We had a great time. After California closed, we went back to Disneyland. It was so busy that we didn't stay long.

Friday, Feb 20th we headed back to the parks. It was warm and CROWDED! We still had a good time, we just didn't stay long. We were sad they didn't do the fireworks, but we did see the Fantasmic show earlier in the week and that was great. The kids did great on all of the rides! There were only two that Keiera couldn't ride. One was the California Screamer Rollercoaster. I hate that one anyway so I didn't mind riding other things with her. The other was Indiana Jones--we all like that one. She was almost tall enough--the worker tried hard to help her be tall even! Not quite.

Saturday we packed all up and headed to Alamo, NV to more cousins. We stayed there until Sunday afternoon when we headed home. That was a long drive home. We were all tired--especially of riding in the van! We were all so excited to see our dog, Mac. (Chad's brother kept him the whole time! Boy do we owe them.) Layne brought him to us that night at 10:30 p.m.! I don't think they wanted to spend another night with him--he didn't do so well at night! He is finally doing well again now.

Well, there you have it. The Nielson family vacation was a success and now were catching up! Luckily the kids didn't have too much to make-up missing 4 days of school! Skyler has a test to make-up today after school and I think they're all caught up now.